Life Advice

What To Do Before You Move

There’s a hefty to-do list that comes with moving. Even if you’re staying in the same area, there are about a thousand things to do before you get to sit down and relax in your new home. But the good news is that moving is also an awesome opportunity for you to get more organized, and if you follow our tips you’ll be able to let go of the unnecessary clutter in your life and make moving an easier, happier process.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: And What You Can Do Instead

Don’t be discouraged by the title of this article. Resolutions come from introspection and the desire to improve, which is the foundation of making real and lasting change. Participating in the tradition at all is a step in the right direction, and a step ahead of those who don’t take the time to look at themselves critically. But there are many statistics out there about the likelihood of a resolution succeeding, and none of them are good. Ranging from about 80% according to some studies, up to 92% in others, New Year’s resolution failures seem almost inevitable. Here are few reasons you may be having difficulty with yours already, and what you can do to make a real change in your life by reevaluating the way you think.

Wrapping Up The Holidays

After all the fun and excitement of the holidays are finally over, it can be tempting to just throw everything back in cramped boxes or old plastic bags to be shoved back into your garage or attic until next year. But retaining a little bit of holiday enthusiasm during the clean up phase will help you hang onto your decorations longer and make next year’s set up a breeze.

Checking It Twice: Three Last Minute Holiday Tips!

With only a few days before Christmas, your to-do list may be taking over your life. If you’re not careful, all the work to be done can overshadow the joy of the season. Here are a few last-minute things you can do to breathe easier and enjoy what’s around you.

Facing Your Junk Drawer

Do you have a junk drawer? Maybe it’s more like a junk cabinet, or even a junk room, that you always tell yourself you’ll get to later. Are there piles of paper, clothing, or toys that go unattended for weeks? This seemingly innocuous place could be a big source of dead energy in your life.