Health & Wellness

Breathwork for Addiction Article

This is an inspiring article about breathwork being used for addiction recovery and treatment right here in Los Angeles, from our friend Nathaniel V. Dust. Nathaniel has an interesting, offbeat approach to healing: “Heretic Healer” is his title and his methods are very effective. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Paleo Diet: the Primal Lifestyle

Following a few general guidelines, one can adopt a paleo or primal diet… and potentially increase alertness, health, optimize body weight and increase overall vitality.

Upcoming Breathwork Dates

Lili will be guiding transformative breath work several times at Sweat Yoga and Unplug Meditation in the coming weeks. Join her to find a moment of calm, connect with your true self, and experience the many surprising benefits of intentional breathing.

Products We Love: Xtend Barre (West Hollywood)

At Clutter Healing, we believe in living an authentic life. This includes honoring both your body and spirit, which is why in addition to organizing tips we also give advice about health and wellness. Today, we’ll recognize a business that also believes in taking responsibility for your own wellbeing – Xtend Barre!

5 Quick Affirmations to Get The Most Out of Your Day

Affirmations are useful tools for reminding yourself to be the person you want to be, to help with pursuing success, and to stay happy. Try these at home and see if you can prove: it really is mind over matter.

Breathwork Explained: Part 3

Welcome to the last and final post of our three part series Breathwork Explained! Part One showed you who can benefit from beginning a breathwork practice. Part Two explained the mechanics. Now we want to dive into the cultural and spiritual side a little more, to show you how the idea of controlled breath has been important across cultures and history, and how it gained popularity in the modern world.

Sharing Spaces Gracefully

We’ve all been there. Whether it was splitting your room with a sibling as a kid, going to college with new roommates, or simply sharing a smaller house with your busy family, sometimes you just have to learn to coexist with others all up in your personal space. Believe it or not, this doesn’t always have to be the source of tension, arguments, or lines drawn in the sand. Living together can be easy! All you have to do is follow these simple guidelines:

Breathwork Explained: Part 2

Last week we showed you who could benefit most from taking up breathwork. Now it’s time to get down to the meat of the matter- what will you be doing in your breathwork circle?