Transitioning Into The Rhythm Of Autumn

As we move towards the Autumnal Equinox and shift into shorter days and cooler temperatures, we harvest what we’ve sown in spring and get ready for the slower pace of winter. We retreat back into our homes, watch the leaves fall from the trees, and reflect on ways to prepare ourselves for the long nights ahead. But this doesn’t just mean ordering our favorite seasonal spiced beverages! I believe taking care of yourself spiritually and physically, as well as simplifying your life, is key for the transition into the rhythm of autumn. Focusing on your well-being while decluttering your schedule and your physical space, will allow you to choose rest, peace, gratitude and family first.

Society and social media make us believe that we need to move at a frenetic pace constantly, but that’s a sure recipe for burnout. While of course there are certain commitments we can’t opt out from, there are plenty of aspects we can adjust to allow for slowing down and breathing a little deeper this fall.

In the last few years I have worked towards more fully aligning my body with the rhythm of Mother Nature’s seasons and have seen profound changes in my energy. After a Gentle January and a spring full of growth, I invite you to re-think what autumn means to you personally and what rituals you can start this year to continue for years to come.

Simple Ways to Transition into the Rhythm of Autumn

  1. Simplify Your Schedule – Is your packed calendar constantly giving you anxiety? Consider eliminating a few extra commitments for the next 3-6 months and drop into the fall and winter quarters with a bit more time, space and serenity. 
  1. Strengthen Your Self-Care – Has your self-care fallen through the cracks with all your summer activities? Reflect on the ways you like to relax and why you haven’t made time for them, and then adjust your schedule as needed (see #1) so you can show up for yourself. Even when I’m busy, I make time to meditate for at least 5 minutes every morning as I find it’s the best way to start my day.
  1. Find the Joy in Journaling – The benefits of journaling have been proven time and again. Spend some time reflecting on all that you have to be grateful for and the positive influences in your life. You can also journal on things you want to release. As Eleanor Brownn said, “Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self.” 
  1. Move Your Body – Your physical fitness and mental fitness go hand-in-hand. Make a commitment to get at least 10 minutes of exercise a day – go for a walk, stretch in your living room or attend a class.
  1. Invigorate Your Immune System And Makeover Your Menu – Germs spread more quickly in the cooler months, so take this time to establish a regimen of vitamins and immune support to carry you through the season. I love Fire Cider + Immunity Tea! Also, as the sun starts to hide, you’ll need more Vitamin D. Enjoy vitamin-rich soups and stews that soothe your stomach and nurture your soul.
  1. Fall Cleaning – Spring cleaning isn’t just for spring! Consider a deep cleaning at the beginning of each season. An easy place to start is your refrigerator, freezer and pantry. Simply throw out expired goods and wipe down your shelves. Finishing small, manageable tasks like this will provide the motivation to take on larger tasks down the road. Your house will be sparkling in no time!
  1. Heal Your Home – Repeat after me: The less I own, the less I have to manage, the less I stress, the more space I have to truly live. For decluttering physical objects, challenge yourself to find one thing every day that you can release to live more simply and peacefully. To clear the negative energy from your home, there are many ways to weave in rituals: play music you love, do a smoke clearing or add crystals to your space. I love to use the clearing stone, selenite, on my windowsills and desk!
  1. Rotate Your Wardrobe – Having only what you need in your closet each season makes getting ready each day that much easier. Fall into your autumn clothing by getting out your cozy sweaters and say goodbye to summer by storing your bathing suits, sundresses and shorts.
  1. Get Fall Festive – Just like the leaves falling and turning brown outside, having visual cues in your home will help align your body’s rhythm to nature. Get out your snuggly blankets, scented candles and earth-tone decor.
  1. Family First – As the weather gets colder, all of nature begins to retreat and hibernate, and we are no different. Take this time at home to connect with your family. Make dinner together, play games, watch movies, create new traditions…and create lifelong memories along the way.