Quick Tip: Mini-Medicine Cabinet Makeover

The medicine cabinet is one of those places that always seems to be either impeccably organized or just a disaster. If yours is more the latter, we have a fairly quick and painless solution for you:

First, cull the excess stuff. It’s often helpful to spread out everything you have so you can see it in one place. Discard old or expired bottles, unwanted fragrances, and any stray cotton balls or packaging trash that may be hanging around. Now take a critical look at what you’re using the most, what you really like, and what you could live without. Once you’ve narrowed down products to the ones you love best, dump everything else. Remember, the idea is to keep the things that are serving you well and often, and shed the products that waste your valuable space. So don’t be afraid to be ruthlessly practical. You deserve only the best!

Then, it’s time to put everything back into the drawer/cabinet where you’ll be able to find it. Here’s where you can get creative: store your things according to category (dental hygiene, hair products, etc.) or alphabetically, or even just in the order you use them in a typical morning. Make sure to place things you use often in easy to reach places, while strategically placing less used products in cabinets or on higher shelves. Once you have your items narrowed down, sorted, and stored, you should be good to go! To expand on this quick cleaning tutorial, look for storage solutions that will help you maintain order: plastic dividers for drawers, jewelry stands, and combination caddies. Thee are a lot of fun and beautiful options out there for bathroom storage these days. Get out there and see what you can find!