Organizing Your Little Artists Work

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Let’s address a “stash all” area that can be hard to tame: your childs art. We love our kids and want to cherish everything they give us, but sometimes they create masterpieces for us at a speed that can be hard to keep up with. Left unattended, the many piles can also block the flow of energy that surrounds your life.

One easy method to deal with this issue is to use one box per year to store your child’s creations. At the end of the year, go through it and decide which ones are Hall of Fame material, and which ones can go. This will leave you with the best of each year, neatly stored like a little time capsule.

If this method isn’t for you, remember that technology is a wonderful thing! It will let you keep every sentimental piece while still clearing away the physical clutter. Consider using a website like; They will create a one of a kind painting using your child’s work, which you can then proudly display in your home! Or you can scan artwork and use websites like or the iPhoto application to create your own coffee table book or creative portfolio. These methods also show your child that you consider their art precious, and they’ll be able to look back at it in perfect condition for years to come.