Mood Altering And Calming Effects Of House Plants

If you’ve ever been in a household that is stressed, you know well the feeling of hustle and bustle that is always ongoing. A great way to help calm those around you and alter the mood of stress is by adding in house plants.

Breathwork for Addiction Article

This is an inspiring article about breathwork being used for addiction recovery and treatment right here in Los Angeles, from our friend Nathaniel V. Dust. Nathaniel has an interesting, offbeat approach to healing: “Heretic Healer” is his title and his methods are very effective. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Chances to Experience Breathwork with Lili

The modern world can be complex, cluttered and stressful…
A simple way to release the “daily grind” is to tune
into the natural rhythm of our breath. 
Lili’s breathwork meditation is a peaceful, supportive
practice that unwinds and uplifts you.
The physical act of breathing often encourages:

•emotional release
•renewed sense of well-being
•a state of calm or homeostasis
Walk out of the studio having experienced
breath in a whole new way. 

Paleo Diet: the Primal Lifestyle

Following a few general guidelines, one can adopt a paleo or primal diet… and potentially increase alertness, health, optimize body weight and increase overall vitality.

WhoWhatWear Closet Makeover Article

A little over two months ago—after 10 years of living in Los Angeles—I moved to New York City. Though I knew drastic change was inevitable, I wasn’t necessarily equipped to deal with the technicalities of city living.