Small Spaces: Entryway Coat Closet

Entryway coat closets in small homes can be tricky beasts. They can go from clean to chaotic with the simple addition of a few hard-to-store items – before you know it you’re shutting the door just so you don’t have to look at it any more. Take a deep breath, and open the door. Let’s […]

Upcoming Breathwork Dates

Lili will be guiding transformative breath work several times at Sweat Yoga and Unplug Meditation in the coming weeks. Join her to find a moment of calm, connect with your true self, and experience the many surprising benefits of intentional breathing.

Breathwork Explained: Part 3

Welcome to the last and final post of our three part series Breathwork Explained! Part One showed you who can benefit from beginning a breathwork practice. Part Two explained the mechanics. Now we want to dive into the cultural and spiritual side a little more, to show you how the idea of controlled breath has been important across cultures and history, and how it gained popularity in the modern world.

Breathwork Explained: Part 2

Last week we showed you who could benefit most from taking up breathwork. Now it’s time to get down to the meat of the matter- what will you be doing in your breathwork circle?