How to Stay Organized When Your Mindset Isn’t

Ever notice how when you’re day starts off with a misfortunate occurrence, it seems like everything bad that could possibly happen, well, happens? You hear me talk about energy all the time. I wouldn’t talk about it if I didn’t see the effects of energy and mindset not only on myself but with my clients […]

Minimalism – Your Guide to Decluttering and Editing

Last month we kicked off our three part 90 day minimalism challenge introducing the ideology of minimalism as well as the manipulative marketing tactics that can lead to aggressive consumerism. It is important to understand both sides of the spectrum in order to appreciate a simplified style of living. Let’s embark upon phase 2 of […]

Energy Preservation – Know Your Boundaries

Watching a loved one suffer is heartbreaking; it’s natural to feel compelled to help. Many people believe helping someone means sharing their burdens, which can be physically, emotionally and mentally draining. I’m sharing a few of my life preserving energy tips when the need to set boundaries arises. 

Making Space for What Really Matters

When it comes to identifying the things holding us back from being the best possible versions of ourselves, everyone’s process is different; but one thing is almost always the same – clutter. Having a lot of clutter means you’re not making space for what really matters, you’re not leaving any room for yourself to move […]