Energy Preservation – Know Your Boundaries

Watching a loved one suffer is heartbreaking; it’s natural to feel compelled to help. Many people believe helping someone means sharing their burdens, which can be physically, emotionally and mentally draining. I’m sharing a few of my life preserving energy tips when the need to set boundaries arises. 

Making Space for What Really Matters

When it comes to identifying the things holding us back from being the best possible versions of ourselves, everyone’s process is different; but one thing is almost always the same – clutter. Having a lot of clutter means you’re not making space for what really matters, you’re not leaving any room for yourself to move […]

Four Steps to Stop Procrastinating and Get Into Action

Procrastinating: we all do it. I know getting the ball rolling on any organizing project can be hard. You look at a gorgeous closet or pantry on Instagram and say, “Yes, that’s exactly what I want my house to look like!” Yet your reality is far from the image staring back at you. So how do […]

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: And What You Can Do Instead

Don’t be discouraged by the title of this article. Resolutions come from introspection and the desire to improve, which is the foundation of making real and lasting change. Participating in the tradition at all is a step in the right direction, and a step ahead of those who don’t take the time to look at themselves critically. But there are many statistics out there about the likelihood of a resolution succeeding, and none of them are good. Ranging from about 80% according to some studies, up to 92% in others, New Year’s resolution failures seem almost inevitable. Here are few reasons you may be having difficulty with yours already, and what you can do to make a real change in your life by reevaluating the way you think.