Prep your Pantry Before the Holidays

As I was buying pumpkins last week, I realized that Thanksgiving is in exactly 41 days! This year has really flown by! I’m generally the one to host Thanksgiving so I love doing a big pantry edit prior to the main event. But where does one begin? This is the the number one question I […]

Small Spaces: Entryway Coat Closet

Entryway coat closets in small homes can be tricky beasts. They can go from clean to chaotic with the simple addition of a few hard-to-store items – before you know it you’re shutting the door just so you don’t have to look at it any more. Take a deep breath, and open the door. Let’s […]

Vacation Packing Guide

Summer  is almost over, and you haven’t taken break. So, in the spur of the moment you hopped online, caught a deal, and  booked a last minute vacation (insert high five).  Excited to escape the hustle and bustle of life,  you toss your clothes into a suitcase and dash for the door. When you arrive […]

Minimalism – Your Guide to Decluttering and Editing

Last month we kicked off our three part 90 day minimalism challenge introducing the ideology of minimalism as well as the manipulative marketing tactics that can lead to aggressive consumerism. It is important to understand both sides of the spectrum in order to appreciate a simplified style of living. Let’s embark upon phase 2 of […]

Making Space for What Really Matters

When it comes to identifying the things holding us back from being the best possible versions of ourselves, everyone’s process is different; but one thing is almost always the same – clutter. Having a lot of clutter means you’re not making space for what really matters, you’re not leaving any room for yourself to move […]

Products We Love: Hour25

Hour25 is a Santa Monica based cleaning service that wants to give you an extra hour of freedom every day! All you have to do is sign up to have the professionals come by your place for an hour daily and take care of the tasks that you feel aren’t the best use of your valuable time. Let Hour25 make beds, take out trash, do dishes, any chore that you feel could be handled by someone else while you move on to more important things. While they take care of the mundane, you can get more work done, spend more time with the people you love, or pursue your passions!

Maintain Your Spring Cleaning In Only 10 Minutes a Day!

You don’t always have all the time in the world to keep your household clean and under control. But after deep spring-cleaning with the help of last week’s guide, you still want to make sure your hard work doesn’t go out the window! We have a handy guide to helping you make it last as long possible:

Feel the Power of Spring Cleaning

The spring season symbolizes regeneration and renewal: the trees are green again, flowers are blooming, and life itself is coming out of the shell of winter to begin again. So it makes sense that it’s also a time for cleaning out the old and focusing on sprucing up our living spaces once more.