5 Simple and Revitalizing Ways to Breathe New Life Into Your Home

Revitalizing Energy in Our Homes

Bohemian bedroom with plants.
Bohemian bedroom with plants

As the year wanes and we make our way towards colder seasons, it becomes increasingly important to keep positive energy alive in our homes.

Some say doing so fosters healthy Chi – the circulating life force and basis to much of Chinese philosophy and medicine. Its various forms are considered so powerful, it may even improve your health and happiness.

Take a look at these five simple and all-natural yet wildly effective ways to breath new life into your home, courtesy of MakeSpace. They’re a full-service alternative to self-storage units in Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington DC, and NYC.

They just might hit the reset button on your dwellings and encourage positive inner growth.

1. Fill the atmosphere with invigorating scents 

Fresh flowers by the bedside
Fresh flowers by the bedside

If you’d like an emotional cleanse to complement your physical one, burn sage as your first step. This aromatherapeutic practice, known as smoke clearing, is said to clear lingering energy in a space.

For anyone unfamiliar with the process, this helpful guide from Rodale’s Organic Life breaks it down into four easy-to-follow steps.

The effects of sage are strong, but its aroma is only temporary. For a longer-lasting fragrance infusion, try this simple stovetop potpourri recipe from A Pretty Life. It will fill the air in your home with wafts of cinnamon, apples, and cloves for as long as you simmer it.

Or make your own essential oil diffuser using peppermint and sweet orange oil, diffuser reeds, and a glass jar. You can even convert your bath into a spa with the Essio Shower Aromatherapy Shower Kit. It brings organic aromatherapy directly to your shower nozzle.

Opt for fresh candles, but make sure you’re burning an all-natural variety, such as soy. Regular-scented candles may contain harmful materials, ranging from toxic lead to petroleum-derived paraffin.

Another alternative is beeswax candles, which clean the air in your home by producing negative ions. They also burn slower, don’t drip, and can help reduce allergies. Honey Pacifica has a whole line of beeswax candles. Bonus point: Their production process is local to Southern California.

2. Feng shui to the nines 

Mirror and desk
Mirror and desk

Nine, including in the form of its multiples, is considered an auspicious number in feng shui. In fact, here are nine easy ways to feng shui your apartment.

This is especially powerful knowledge for small homes, where objects hold greater sway over their limited surroundings. No matter the size of our homes, we often repeatedly return all items to the same spot. This is said to create a stagnant energy.

So theoretically, you can breathe new life into your space by giving nine objects a new home. Swap around your cookbooks in the kitchen shelf, or partially rotate an armchair to get the harmonic party started.  

And make sure you’re inviting good, restorative energy into your bedroom. Here’s a primer on how to feng shui your bedroom.

3. Purify the air with home-appropriate plants

Fiddle Leaf Fig
Fiddle Leaf Fig

You know plants help you breathe, but did you know they can also clear the air of carbon monoxide?

Here are the top 15 houseplants for improving indoor air quality, according to NASA.

Whichever plant you pick should be suited to your space and lifestyle.

Are you home often enough to tend to a high-maintenance plant, such as a thirsty, fickle bromeliad? Or would you prefer the ease of the nearly-indestructible cast-iron plant?

How much sunlight comes through your windows? Do you have pets that might be sensitive to certain plants?

And how much floor space do you have?

If you’re tight on square footage, install an indoor herb garden on your kitchen wall. This wall-mounted herb garden from Inspired by Charm is a fresh take on the windowsill classic.

Also consider adding plants to your bedroom. For example, lavender’s scent is proven to promote relaxation. And gardenias are so effective that they can improve the your sleep quality.

Regardless of what plants you choose, be sure to also care for your plant the right way.

No green thumb?

Fill your space with flowers instead. Fall brings a bounty of florals to the farmers market, with vendors selling dahlias and chrysanthemums. Plus, when your bouquet dries out, you can make a gorgeous batch of potpourri.

4. Eliminate excess baggage

questions to ask yourself when purging
Questions to ask yourself when purging

from Emma Marie Designs

When you’re embarking on a new diet, the first thing you do is get rid of unhealthy foods in the fridge and pantry. As you breathe new life into your home, apply the same logic to unnecessary objects lying around.  

If you have a pile of papers on your desk, how can you focus on work?

Scan and save images of the papers to your phone with an app like Scanbot. Then recycle the paper out of your life once and for all.

When you’re getting ready in the morning, do you rifle through out-of-season gear? Or trip over the shoes and sweaters you’ve been meaning to donate for ages?

Reevaluate each item’s presence in your home. Gauge whether it’s a source of joy or clutter that negatively impacts your life. Select what items you want to keep, donate, toss, or put into storage.

This process of elimination may get a bit monotonous, so here are 10 creative ways to declutter your home, courtesy of Becoming Minimalist.

Also take time to clean smaller objects like knickknacks and ornamental displays. They can collect dust, which exacerbates allergy symptoms.  

5. DIY without the actual DIY 

Bowl of Lemons in Spring Living Room
Lemons in Spring Living Room

from Honey We’re Home

No need to break out the paint cans. If done right, even simple swaps can transform your space. Start by picking a room that needs revamping. Then put all your accessories on the floor, sort them by color, and put them back in new, more cohesive areas.  

Or place a mirror in a strategic spot – say, directly where the sun beams in – to double the amount of happiness-inducing sunshine in a room. This will make the room look much bigger, too.

If you’ve spent time decluttering, use any newly cleared space to display objects you enjoy. For example, display fresh fruit in a bowl on your kitchen counter. Or update a beloved photo with a new frame, and display it in an area you pass by often.