The Chicest Way to Organize Jewelry and Small Accessories

While trying to organize clothes in your closet is one thing, figuring out how to store jewelry and other accessories in your closet is a whole different story. Between getting tangled up or going missing, organizing small accessories can get tedious and frustrating. Even though my philosophy is in minimalism and decluttering, I believe that […]

Before and After: Vanity Room

Though this vanity room is one of the first projects Lili worked on professionally, it shows the dramatic impact hiring a Clutter Healer can have on your home. It’s also helpful in illustrating why you should let go of excess sentimental clutter. Let’s take a look.

Get More Out of Your Jewelry

Jewelry is a unique expression of who you are: so don’t let yours collect dust! Instead follow this simple guide to getting more use and more happiness from your existing jewelry collection.